On a new year and a new quote


New years resolutions are a thing.

A thing that a lot of people all over the world think about – I think about them. There are the common ones that everyone aspires too: get fit, lose weight, stop drinking alcohol. Plus the not so common ones, such as learn how to clone Nutella  (for some even  more interesting ones check out: (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/bizarre-new-years-resolutions-twitter-weird-wonderful-web/))

But I don’t really write any. Because you see, when one thinks of resolutions, one also thinks about the fact that most of them are never met.

So instead of writing new years resolutions, I write down goals. And with each of my goals I write an action plan of how I’m going to achieve them.

I have recently just finished reading Gretchen Rubin’s book, ‘The Happiness Project.’ Rubin is a perfectly normal human, with a family and a job and a life that she loves. Yet one day she comes to the realisation that there are all these things that she wants to do, yet she’s just not doing them. Stuck in the constant flow of everyday habitual life. Rubin realised, “The days are long, but the years are short. Time is passing, and I’m not focusing enough on the things that really matter.” Rubin realised that although she was happy, she could be even happier, if only she started to do these things she wanted to do, instead of just thinking about them.

Because that is the problem with new years resolutions a lot of the time – you think about what you want to change, the first step. But then you stop and go no further, stuck on the hard part of “starting.” Starting to make a change.

Pushed into “starting” by her realisation, Rubin made an action plan. For each month of the year she focused on a value; for example January was Vitality – boost energy, March was Work – aim higher and November was Attitude – keep a contented heart. Within each of these months she had her individual goals – concrete goals based on abstract values. In January there was ‘go to sleep earlier; exercise better; toss, restore, organise; tackle a nagging task; and act more energetic.’ Based on Father Benjamin Franklin’s Virtues Chart, Rubin made a ‘resolutions chart,’ where she wrote down her goals and put a cross or a tick next to them after EACH day, depending on whether she had accomplished them.

And thus throughout the year, Rubin became happier through making habits out of the things she had always wanted to do. Although there were times where she slipped – we all do – she had her chart and her goals right there to push her back on track again.

SO, the question is how do you make the changes you want to make in your life?

1. Make them goals, not new years resolutions.

2. Think about what you want to change, what you want to do, then write them down – remember concrete not abstract i.e. rather than “be more friendly” try “say hello to new people,” which is something you can actually do.

3. Make an action plan – you want to lose weight and get fit? Think about HOW you are going to do this…e.g. exercise 20mins everyday, stop buying processed foods, by whole foods instead, etc.

4. Make a chart which you can consult everyday – helping you to remember your goals and to motivate you through progress achieved.

5. START, START RIGHT NOW! Not tomorrow, not next Monday, not next month. RIGHT NOW.

Get off your couch and go for a run. Go outside and take some photos.

Go right now and DON’T STOP.

Run tomorrow and the next day and the next. Make your goals your daily habit.

Because you see, You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” #quoteoftheday – John C. Maxwell

So go start and I wish you the best year yet!


A quotaholic xx

On a new day…

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

I like to think that there are three parts to me. There’s my inner core – which is this bright, bubbly, optimistic heart; my true self. When you’re there it’s like bathing in the sunlight. A soft breeze blows, and waves play piano on a sandy shore. Pure mountains stand proud in the distance, letting off clear air. Trees flutter their leaves. Flowers bloom in eternal fields.

Next comes my outer core – this is the part of me that is dark, that is gloomy. It’s all black there and you can’t see in front of you, you can only see behind.

Surrounding the core is my exterior. This is my outside that everyone can see. Naturally its like my inner core – bright, bubbly, optimistic, sunshine. It always resorts back to this happy glow, but sometimes it reveals the outer core of me. Some day’s I don’t feel like smiling, I don’t feel like putting on a show.

I’ve found these days have been more often than not lately.

Since the end of last year, till the beginnings of this one, I felt completely loved. I felt absolutely comfortable to be who I was. I felt secure in being who ever I wanted to be, in saying whatever I wanted to say – believing that this love would not go away, it promised it wouldn’t. On the days when I felt imperfect, this love was there to remind me of the best parts of me. This love made me feel beautiful, just as I was.

Love does that.

As Elizabeth Barret Browing once smartly said:

I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

I was utterly content in happiness of just being myself, with the belief that there was someone there who loved this “true me.”

But then this love went away and feelings of insecurity and doubt began to wash over me. I felt utterly imperfect. I began to criticise my body, my look – I couldn’t even bear to look in the mirror without feeling a terrible shame that suffocated me. I was drowning in darkness.

The love went away, making me question why it did. It had to be because of something I’d done, because of something I wasn’t, because I was too weird, too strange, too random.

This outer core cloaked my inner beam, meaning the light of my true self was prevented from shining outwards to my exterior. Instead I began to share more and more of these dark feelings with the outer world.

I noted how more and more I was complaining about how tired I was, with sarcastic remarks and moans about how life was such a struggle, all poring from my mouth. It made everything worse as I began to hate myself even more for the person I was becoming. I felt like I was changing and I could do nothing to stop it.

My true self was lost and I didn’t know where to find her again.

Wishing to change back to my former self, I stumbled upon this quote:

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

The realisation suddenly hit me then that I didn’t want to go back to who I was before. I realised I hadn’t changed so much, as I was just growing and developing and this was a part of me that made me even more deeper and complex as a human being than before.

I couldn’t go back, I could only go forward through the emotional labyrinth that is life.

I realised that I had a choice in who I wanted to be. After all I am my own person. Suddenly life became different, the dark cloud cleared, the rain dried up, and the sun broke through stronger than ever. I thought about who I wanted to be. I wrote it down. I thought about who I didn’t want to be – something which this experience had taught me – and wrote that down as well.

I thought about the future and what I wanted out of life. I thought of all the things I wanted to do – writing, writing all of this down. Motivation bloomed within me.

And then, just like that, I shed the cloak that had surrounded me and began to bounce again. I began to dance around the hallways to crazy songs. I began to sing at the top of my lungs. I began to let my laugh tinkle out over that sandy shore, drifting away over the seas, echoing high up in the mountains, floating through the leaves, spiralling in and out of the flowers.

My self wasn’t lost after all, she was there all along, growing and developing, reaching for the stars, shooting for the moon.

And so from my experiences of this quote, this is my advice for you:

When something or someone has brought you down and made you unsure of who you are, if you are unhappy with yourself- rather than critiquing everything and looking back at the past, rather than wishing and hoping you were something else – just think about who you want to be. Actually take the time to think about it.

Write it down, paint it, design it, make a movie or a song about it – express who you want to be in whatever form that spurs on the passion. Then make a plan – how can you become this person, what do you have to do. Thinking about the future can plant seeds of motivation, which you can grow into a magnificent forest as you work towards accomplishing your plan and making your future.

Everyone of us is beautiful. Think about what you want from life, think about who you want to be, and you’ll find courage, strength and motivation, which you never thought you had, to make these dreams a reality.

Ka kite 🙂

P.s sorry for the delay! I wrote this all up and it deleted itself before I could publish it, so time had to be spent finding the motivation to write it all again! :p


A new day.

A new day.

So I’ve let him go…and it’s time to start a new line of quotes. It’s time to start a new day.

My format: On the weekend of each week, I will find and publish a quote that I will relate to my life for the week (sometimes I might even get you guys to vote on the quote!). Then before I publish a new quote I will write about how that quote of the week impacted on me!!! Should be exciting stuff!

In the comments below please suggests quotes to if you have any (or email me).


My quote for this week is….

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Thus, with a sigh. . .

Firstly, before I crack onto this, I apologise for my late post -got distracted by life I guess! But here it finally is.

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out

So that was my quote, and it helped, it really did, it really does. The benefit was that it meant looking at the positives rather than the negatives and this practice helps for any experience in life really – always look on the bright side of life.

This quote also helped me appreciate what we had. I had the capacity to love, and be loved. It’s so easy to love. And it’s so beautiful to love. And even though a part of me will always be a bit sad that it didn’t last longer, I’m slowly letting it be, and I can now see how lucky I was and how wonderful that experience was.

It’s funny but honestly, the pain is fading. It has faded. I don’t know how, but it just has, it just is.
When I think of the memories I don’t want to cry anymore, I sort of just. . .sigh. . .

I talked to him the other day, but I guess I’ve realised that there isn’t much point anymore in trying to talk to him…I’d love to be his friend and I’ve given him that option and now its up to him. But you see people only talk to you if they want too, and I see no reason why he’d talk to me, so I’ve pretty much pushed the hope aside on that one. I’ll just be me, and if he wants to talk to me, then that’s great, but I won’t put in any more effort – It’ll only do more damage to me. It was great to have the holidays where I didn’t see him everyday, but now schools started again, I’ve been seeing him more, so I’ve been thinking of him more, and its been a bit harder.

But I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll never know what changed. I’ll never understand why he had the chance to break up with me at one point but instead he promised that it would be fine, and told me those three words again, saying he hoped I knew that and he leant his head on my shoulder and he promised, promised, then it was 6 days later when he finally said good-bye. I’ll never understand, but then again maybe he didn’t understand either. And so that’s just that. The past is the past, and nothing can change the fact that we were together, that there was that moment in my life where I experienced pure bliss.

So really


and so must I

Thus, with a sigh,

I let



Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly

Quotes from a book: Girls in Pants, the third summer of the sisterhood by Ann Brashares

“He wasn’t her anything. Why did she feel like she needed him so desperately?…She wished it would rain hard and long and clear everything away. Rain never came when you asked for it…”

“Having it was ecstasy, but its sudden, inexplicable loss was too painful to bear. She’d rather go through her life doubting such a thing was possible, than knowing it was real and she couldn’t have it.

What a pitiful waste she was. She was willing to give away, to throw away, the very best she had. For what? It was one thing to sacrifice yourself for a great cause. It was another to destroy yourself for a person who didn’t even want you. It was an act of self-immolation, a sacrifice nobody wanted, that did nobody any good. What could be more tragic than that?

She thought she was independent and strong, but she got one small taste of love and she was hungrier than anyone.

She was ravenous.”


“How could a person transform from her hero to her destroyer in so short a time?”


“She needed to be free of him. She needed to get on with her life. Maybe even fall in love again…It was easy to wish to let go of the torture of missing him. It seemed easy, at least. But there was a catch. To let go of the pain, she had to give up the other parts too: the feeling of being loved. The feeling of being wanted and even needed. The way he looked at her and touched her. The way her name sounded when he said it. The number of times he’d written I love you…It wasn’t the suffering she wilfully clung to. It was the precious stuff. But the precious stuff attached her, irrevocably, to the pain.”

Love is funny

Well, that’s true.

Thoughtfully Written

Love is funny, you know? It can surprise you. It can stop you dead in your tracks. It can trick you. It can be the best and worst things to happen to you. It can end quicker than it started. It can fade and it can leave in an instant. It is so desired yet so terrifying.

No matter what you do- its there. Whether you’re feeling it, craving it, or haunted by it. You’ll never be able to explain it. You’ll never know why it didn’t work out with some people. You’ll never truly understand why.

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